Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thing 10 – Creative Commons, What’s it to us?

In looking at sights online, I have noticed the CC logo before, but not often. I saw it on wiki’s, and a few blogs that I read. It has also been in a few videos that I have viewed, and before I think it had something to do with closed captioning, but now I see that it probably meant Creative Commons.

I think CC has the potential to impact the way students learn, since CC brings the old age idea that we build upon others ideas to create new thinking. CC allows us to do this with information that is in our technology without the fear of stealing someone else’s idea. Utilizing CC grants students the opportunity to work with many different resources confidently, so they can be mindful of other’s work, and the use of it in their own projects.

In my teaching, I have used videos, digital images, and audio clips from the web to enhance my lessons, and keep them integrated with the use of technology. A video clip or audio is good for students, especially when it adds to the lesson being taught. It helps to keep them engaged and thinking.

In my graduate program, I shared content on the web with my classmates, and professors. I have not shared within the teaching network, but benefited from the sharing of other teachers. What are some things that you have shared online that you believe has benefited other educators?

The teaching materials I used last year were from CSI, but I think that is changing next year. From my understanding my teaching materials that I use is owned by a variety of different places. My teaching consists of working with a bit of a hodge podge of it all to formulate my lessons to make them meaningful and engaging for my students. Can you say your teaching materials are only from one source, or is it several?

I believe some potential negatives for the use of CC is it can be taken too far. What do I mean by this? If someone uses CC to create something to make a large profit out of eventually, then the person who offered their content in the first place may lose the right to their work. In the event someone who profits from his/her new work with CC content copyrights the new work, disbanding the previous author. If after something is created it is immediately assigned a copyright, then this could be an issue.

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