Friday, July 16, 2010

Thing 19 – Voice Thread

This application is really neat. It enables one to have an online classroom, and enter in to discussion with teachers, and students. You can also see all the different points of view that are being added to each picture, or interaction.

For math, students can look at one problem in a group, and each can show a different way to solve a problem. They can also talk about what implications that has. There is always more than one way to solve a problem. With the solving of these problems, instead of presenting once in class, they would be saved, and other student groups could view them, add to them, and reflect on what their peers are seeing, and what they are seeing.

Another idea for voicethreads is to have students make a lesson teaching elementary students how to add, subtract, multiply or divide. This way they can have a better understanding and grasp on the fundamentals of math.

You can also use voiceThread to collaborate with colleagues in adding to lessons, and planning ideas, offering ideas on professional developments, and further growth in teaching. When we collaborate, we learn more from one another, and integrate ideas to make our lessons, and teaching stronger.

Voicethread is pretty neat, and I will find a way to implement it for my students.

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